Friday, June 19, 2009


We're supposed to go to a Tiger's game tonight...currently the forecast is calling for go or not to go...

I'm bored. I know, I have half a million things to do, but I don't feel like doing any of them! Plus I'm trying to potty train Ben and he's...well he's 2. He can hold it really well, most of the time. He can also hold his poo well. He's just not very good at telling me when he has to go. I have to sit him down and then he pees instantaneously. It's frustrating. We'll get it. Sooner or later.

The weather is gloomy, and we're so busy coming up this next week and weekend that I don't want to waste any extra energy. Cop out, I know.
Where's my motivation? I'd just like to be a blob, with no responsibilities.
Ben was laying in bed with me last night because he took a nap on the way to Violin Lessons. He said he "wants to play a horn, like a trumpet" Then he looked at me with his serious little eyes and said, "but not a tuba mom, I don't want to play a tuba".
Thursday is Violin Lesson Day with Mr. Jorgji. But yesterday, he did come, and we didn't get a call...While we were sitting and waiting, Maddie steps right in front of a boy, about 10. "Hi! I get violin lessons with Mr. Jorgji". He looks at me, not quite sure what he should do. He looks like he's afraid of her. I say, "She's friendly" He says "I see that!" She talks to him for a while until it's time for his lesson. Though I know this about her, I'm amazed that she can just talk to anyone, but I hope she'll learn when it's not wanted!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Friday was the big day. The big 2-8. So to get ourselves motivated (read: cleaning/fixing frenzy) we decided to have a party for my birthday and officially title it a housewarming party because everyone wanted to come over and check it out. A scant week before the date we sent out invites, many which I don't think arrived at their desired destinations, but none the less, we only had one week of planning.

The day dawned sunny and bright, with not one, but four phone calls at 8 am. For those of you who know me, you know I dislike very greatly to be woken up early. But Eight? On my birthday? Rude. Mary and Eli came over and helped us get cleaned up, the Laura and Hendrik came to help too. They helped by looking cute. But really, having friends over keeps me motivated. For those of you who know me, you know I greatly dislike cleaning. Mary agreed, but said she didn't mind cleaning other people's houses. She got the basement all in order just in time for the kids to destroy it again.

Everyone showed up just as the food was ready, but I was not. Turns out I had forgotten quite a few things I wanted to do, and many I needed to do! But Sara came to my rescue and handled all the kitchen craziness. She made room for food, accepted dishes from people and generally was my brain.

Some people I didn't see come, some I didn't see leave. I tried to get around to at least say hello, but there were a lot of people there! Thanks to everyone who came and/or brought food and/or gifts. The food was great and I'm gonna have tons of fun shopping with all the gift cards! I guess I'll lets Ryan use some of the Home Depot ones.

The night was beautiful, not too chilly, but some sweaters were required. Many of us stayed to watch The Game, which I was hoping and not hoping to have happen. We all know the final result. We won't speak of it.
We had s'mores by the was perfect. Everyone said our house is a great party house. I'm sure our Neighbors will love that!!

I had a really awesome birthday. Thank you everyone! I hope we can have many more parties in the years to come.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So New

I have been thinking up things to say for about 2 weeks now, but have not had the opporunity to write as I have not had internet access. Do you think I can remember any of it now? Plus I am on the floor, rather than typing comfortably in a chair, and it's hardwood. Ow.

So On May 23 we had our official move day, with the Kuchenmeister Four back in action for One Night Only. Ryan and his brothers and dad did all the heavy lifting and got us about 90% moved in. It doesn't really feel like our house yet. It doesn't smell like our house yet. Mostly, it smells of varnish and paint, but it just isn't there yet. I'm sure with time (and more dirty laundry, more about that) it will.

One of the hard things is going back to the condo to get the rest of our stuff. Yes, it's hard work, but really, it's the emotional stuff that's getting me. So many things happened at that house. I brought got married, brought home two babies, lost two more, had my dad there...many many happy memories. The condo served us well. It's just time now to move on.

I have the kids room almost done. The heinous green isn't so bad after all, with all the furniture and wall hangings. The colors matches perfectly and I'm actually glad I picked it. I need a shelf for Maddie, and some clean up stuff, but being in there makes me really happy.

We painted the front room and all the bedrooms, and then the family room. No carpet in there yet, hopefully this weekend. It's all coming together...

With the exception of the washing machine. We have had no washing abilities since we've moved in, due to a pump that needed to be put in to pump the water higher up to the septic. A $200 project we weren't anticipating. (isn't that always how it goes?) Ryan's working on it today, but I think he's secretly trying to find a way to keep me out of underwear.

I love watching my kids run around the yard. I almost would have just bought a yard. We've had a few bon fires (due to the massive amounts of pruning needed) and we have a great newly stained deck that the Kuchenmeister 3 reunited for (two days only, one rescheduled for rain). We have so much more work to do! But it's worth it, so far!

As usual, I feel slightly forelorn when a change come along. It's not that I don't want it. I begged for it! I guess I'm just always surprised when I get what I want. I hate feeling like even though I'm getting so much and have so many blessings, I want more. (cue Ariel: I want MOOOORRREE) I'm disappointed that another month has gone by and I'm not pregnant. These things are all good distractions, but now everyone's bumps are growing and I want one! I feel like a silly baby. How could I possibly be asking for something else? I guess God's timing is not my own. A lesson I still have to learn after all these years. I guess 'before' was not right, maybe these other amazing things would not have been put into play without the first step, however painful. I'm still working on my patience, obviously.

"Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted!" "What happened?" "He lived happily ever after!"
