We're supposed to go to a Tiger's game tonight...currently the forecast is calling for thunderstorms...to go or not to go...
I'm bored. I know, I have half a million things to do, but I don't feel like doing any of them! Plus I'm trying to potty train Ben and he's...well he's 2. He can hold it really well, most of the time. He can also hold his poo well. He's just not very good at telling me when he has to go. I have to sit him down and then he pees instantaneously. It's frustrating. We'll get it. Sooner or later.
The weather is gloomy, and we're so busy coming up this next week and weekend that I don't want to waste any extra energy. Cop out, I know.
Where's my motivation? I'd just like to be a blob, with no responsibilities.
Ben was laying in bed with me last night because he took a nap on the way to Violin Lessons. He said he "wants to play a horn, like a trumpet" Then he looked at me with his serious little eyes and said, "but not a tuba mom, I don't want to play a tuba".
Thursday is Violin Lesson Day with Mr. Jorgji. But yesterday, he did come, and we didn't get a call...While we were sitting and waiting, Maddie steps right in front of a boy, about 10. "Hi! I get violin lessons with Mr. Jorgji". He looks at me, not quite sure what he should do. He looks like he's afraid of her. I say, "She's friendly" He says "I see that!" She talks to him for a while until it's time for his lesson. Though I know this about her, I'm amazed that she can just talk to anyone, but I hope she'll learn when it's not wanted!