Monday, November 30, 2009

Where I'm at

Sadly, I've been neglectful of my blog these past few months. I have been exhausted to the point of no return. Not that I have anything to tire me out...a busy 5 year old who shocks and amazes me with her intellegence then turns around and can't find the head on her shoulders...a newly three year old who thinks he can do everything by himself and has so much energy that I simply cannot keep up...during the day another 2 year old who is a tiny copycat of Ben (good and bad) and can be slow as molassass and sweet as it too. And then there's Thumper. I want to go into some sort of hyperstatic hibernation (is that even a thing? I don't know, I made it up) until I give birth I'm that tired. I know I won't get any more sleep once he comes, but at least the toll on my body won't be as great.

My brain seems to be turned off. I live in an approximate 3 foot radius of my head. If it's not happening right in front of me, I don't care. I don't remember. I have everything for the next month written down in about 6 different places. I still can't keep up.

On that note, I am looking forward to Christmas. Since I used to work in retail where Christmas Music and items start after Halloween, I have a very easy time begin jaded about the whole time of year. I am very careful not to do anything Christmas-y until after Thanksgiving. Then I ease into it. A few songs here and there, then I can break out the classics.

One of the first "events" of the year is usually Ryan's company party. This year my challenge was to find a dress that actually fit. Hmm...almost 6 months pregnant...maternity is either ugly or expensive...regular stuff won't work...what to do?? I had one dress at home, but it very summery, and one I was lent, but it wasn't quite right. I am happy to say I did find a dress, about $100 less than I expected :) Let the (alcohol free) party begin!

1 comment:

  1. I had that exact same what to wear to the holiday party problem when I was pregnant. I ended up finding one in a "regular" section that was just a larger size than I usually wear and it worked fine. I was just afraid that instead of looking pregnant, I would look fat. I hate that stage of pregnancy. Sounds like you found a good deal. Have fun at the party!

