Monday, March 2, 2009

attention spans.

My son has a record breaking attention span. Not in a good way. He plays games on the computer, you know, Noggin or PBS kids. But before the game can load, he's already clicked on another character! He begged me to play guitar hero with him. I had other ideas, but I like to spend some time with him. After 1.5 songs, he's off to the basement. WHAT? I'm stuck here playing "Hey Man, Nice Shot" and you're playing trains?
Maddie on the other hand can persevere. This weekend, we went to the 58th annual MECA dinner dance, where Ryan was installed as the Secretary. In the centerpiece was a giant sucker. I brought it home for them to share, but when I opened it, it cracked into about 20 pieces. They both were thrilled to eat candy so they didn't mind the broken pieces. I was expecting an all out war wanting it "fixed". Later, after Ben had moved on, Maddie took the biggest piece, which was still stuck to the stick. That was 12:30pm. It's now almost 5 and she's still working on it.

1 comment:

  1. psssshhhhh.... I can only handle a sucker for about 5 and a half seconds. After that, it's no holds barred.

