Thursday, February 5, 2009

How do they know?

I'm very interested in strange things that are hereditary. For instance, many people in my dad's family cannot have their feet tucked in when they're in bed. I, personally, freak out if I know I can't get them out. It's like I'm trapped. Another strange group of us are allergic to Tide, but not anything else. I'm also allergic to Dove and Ivory, but not any other detergents.

Anyway, we just took the side off of Ben's crib. It was a combination of me not being able to lift him because of the surgery and it being time to transition him. It's struggle. The freedom is getting to his head. Last night, he threw a fit, and we let him sleep in Maddie's bed, then moved him once he fell asleep. This morning, though, I found him sound asleep on the floor.

This doesn't seem so strange, or even related to my above paragraph, but some of you may know of our struggles with Maddie when she was 18 months and we took the side off the crib. Night after night we fought her, night after night she moved her entire bed to the floor. Finally we just let her, but when I was pregnant with Ben, we decided to get her a twin bed, because we would soon need the crib (which she wasn't really using anyway). THAT VERY NIGHT she slept soundly all the way through. We have never had another sleeping problem with her. My point is, Ben wasn't even born- he never saw her do this, how does HE know to do this same weird thing??
So this morning I'm looking for bunk beds. The kind that can be twin beds too. Expensive. Eh. But if nothing, I will learn from experience. I will bet dollars to donuts that he will sleep in his "Big Boy Bed" the moment we get one.


  1. Do you have a chapter of Freecycle in your area? I got a set of bunk beds that come apart into twin beds for free from a neighbor on freecycle. Best deal ever. Check out

  2. well I found one on craigslist, but it was not availalble by the time I emailed them :( I'll check freecycle, but I'm not sure there is one around me. Thanks for the advice!

