Monday, February 16, 2009

Mommy of the Year

That's right, just pass the trophy right on over.
Today I thought I'd give the kids a treat because Maddie is off of school so we went to Great Lakes Crossing to walk and shop a little and play. First, Ben ran. Then he was tired, so he practically crawled. When we got to the play area, it was filled with about 75000 small children. Crap. I knew this was going to be trouble, especially since he was tired. I watched him like a hawk, but still I lost him. A nice lady brought him back, saying he was practically a mile away. He doesn't care! He just walks away like he knows where the car is and he'll meet me there. I gave him a second chance and almost immediatly, I lost him again! This time, he went for the coin operated cars on the other side of the play area. That's it. You're done. Now, I was not chatting. I wasn't even sitting by my friends, who were still eating. I partly blame it on the design of the area, a circle with two open areas to go in and out. So you have to watch them or they can escape TWO ways. I always watch them very carefully, but I'm not perfect, and there's two of them and one of me. If I am watching one, the other runs away.
~sigh~ Sorry, friends. My parenting skills suck.


  1. I'm so glad I live nowhere near Detroit. The closest thing I've got to a mall is Walmart. Once Tyler reaches walking (running) age, I'm going to need to get a GPS transmitter implanted under the skin of his neck.

  2. girl, your parenting skills are fine, the dumbasses who designed that thing are to blame! The one at Briarwood has one entrance, and Finn, who is just like Ben, makes 2-3 escape attempts per visit. I've lost him a few times, too.

