Monday, October 12, 2009

My favorite things...part one...mommy style

My favorite part of the morning #1...Waking my sleeping daughter for school.
Maddie is a hard waker. She gets that from me. We like to sleep, we like to cuddle, we don't like to get out of our warm cocoons and face the cold, hard, dark morning. Ryan is a shock waker, who likes the EH EH EH EH of the alarm to make him jump out of bed. That kills me. So I decided I would wake my girl up for school in a more gentle way. I climb into bed with her and love her awake. I love that she, in her sleep, rolls over and throws her arm around me.We have a nice calm wake up and start the day that way.

My favorite part of the morning #2... After all of our things are dine and she's waiting at the bus stop, she climbs on the bus with a coment to the driver (who doesn't seem to know what to make of her) and sits at the window. She turns to me and we blow kisses to each other. Then we catch them and save them! I still get a little pain in my heart watching the bus drive away.

But Ben usually makes up for it...Favorite part of the morning #3...Snuggling on the couch with Ben. He gets his blanket and pillow and sets up a little place for us while I am out at the road with Sister. It's a good alone bonding time for us. Plus I get to doze.


  1. Your waking up method for your daughter sounds very sweet.

  2. Awwww.... I can't wait until Tyler likes to cuddle. Having your morning would have made my entire WEEK. Well, you already read about the awesome evening I had last week while I was sick. Kids rock!

    Plus, totally love the new picture in your header. Super cute.

