Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Garden

As a child, one of the most exciting times of the year was getting the garden ready with my dad.  We'd toil in the dirt, go to the nursery for plants, get them in the ground and then waterwaterwater until harvest.  We had oodles of tomatoes and cucumbers.  Farther back, we helped Grandpa in his garden, picking raspberries (watch out for the bees!) and other things he had in a small garden in his backyard in Warren.  This is the first year I'm planting my own, with the exception of a few potted plants on the deck at the condo.  Oddly enough, I came across a picture of the "first" tomato I ever picked from my own little potted garden.  The date on the picture is July 22, 2003, one year to the day before my first real baby was born.

These are some pictures of my little garden at home, built with love by ryan for mother's day.

We have a ton of animals...so far so good

Yellow pear tomatoes




These were here when we moved in, I'm not sure what they are.

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