Saturday, February 28, 2009
Check, Check
I never thought it would be like this.
We have a bedroom in the basement that has be turned into the "Music Room". Ryan's drums, guitars and equipment are there, as well as a little keyboard. The room is ready for Band Practice. The kids have always been allowed to play with the instruments, as long as they are used as instruments and with respect. They love to jam with Daddy. It started way back before Ben was born, Maddie and Ryan would play the drums together. Then our little drum obsessed boy discovered them. He is so funny. Recently, Ryan let him use one of his real guitars to jam. It was hilarious! Maddie usually has the keys, Ryan guitar, Ben drums. We have a whole band :)
This afternoon I got home from my haircut to find them downstairs. Ben was dragging a chair over to the keys and Maddie had a seat for herself and a bear as the audience. Ben sits down, swings the microphone over and says,
"Check, check"
I almost died.
Friday, February 27, 2009
This is a picture that is what I hope I really look like. You know, you look at a picture of yourself and think, whoa, is that what everyone else is seeing? Yuck! But this one is closer to what I think I look like. There was another that I posted on facebook that is ok, but we were about to go snorkeling and I had no make-up on. Sara liked it. Eh, me not so much.
I always love pictures of Ryan. He always looks like himself. He always has a beautiful smile(except in this one. I don't know why he didn't. It's his "proud" pose. The one he uses in our family portraits). It wasn't hard to choose which one to get for him because they were all good. I think out of 10 I liked 2. Well, didn't hate.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A new worry.
Something has been nagging my mommy brain for a little while.
I have always kept a careful watch on my children's bowel movements. Not obsessively, but I watched Dr. Oz and he confirmed my suspicions: a happy colon is a happy body.
Ben does not have a happy colon. At first I caulked it up to baby-poo. Then, when I asked his doctor, she suggested maybe he ate a lot of fruit? Yes. Could be the issue. When I took fruit away, nothing changed. Hm. Then my cousin Andy and his wife Amy came over to visit. Amy has Celiac disease. She explained it to me in greater detail and I became concerned that Ben may have something related.
Then, today when he was returned to me, he poo'd excessively. 4 times, all weird, full of non-digested food. Peanuts, oats, cherry(I think). No poo just food. Weird. I called mom and asked her what she fed him, anything different. No. But she said the poo had been weird all weekend.
I called the pediatrician.
Now we have an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Eh.
Web MD (the worst website ever for a mother with a potentially sick child) suggested it could be Celiac disease, or Crohns. Or maybe an allergy.
Please be an allergy.
He doesn't seem sick. Or different. So happy to wrap his tiny arms around me and squeeze. I really did miss them so much. This will be another hurdle to cross. Another worry to add to the list.
Please send some prayers his way.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Leavin'.. On A Jet Plane
Here's the trouble. I miss them already.
I think I would have an easier time if the cared that they were going to see me for an extended period of time. Now, I don't mean crying or fussing, but maybe a half-hearted kiss would count for something! Neither of them even really wanted to kiss me. They were like, Oh, whatever.
I do love that my kids are independent, easy going little things. But give a mom a break!
So off I go, into the great blue beyond. I need this break so badly. The monsters will be fine without me. Probably better than fine. XO babies!
My mom just called. She just got to her house and Ben is passed out. He's also wearing his new sunglasses, which probably helped. I think it takes about 6 minutes to get from here to there :)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Really, Ryan replaced the batteries, but why in God's name did it have to be 3 am? Why couldn't it be 3 pm? This is not the first time that this has happened, either.
Why do you go on vacation and get your "monthly gift"? (as I am anticipating :( )
Haha! It could be perfect, except for that one tiny thing!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Mommy of the Year
Today I thought I'd give the kids a treat because Maddie is off of school so we went to Great Lakes Crossing to walk and shop a little and play. First, Ben ran. Then he was tired, so he practically crawled. When we got to the play area, it was filled with about 75000 small children. Crap. I knew this was going to be trouble, especially since he was tired. I watched him like a hawk, but still I lost him. A nice lady brought him back, saying he was practically a mile away. He doesn't care! He just walks away like he knows where the car is and he'll meet me there. I gave him a second chance and almost immediatly, I lost him again! This time, he went for the coin operated cars on the other side of the play area. That's it. You're done. Now, I was not chatting. I wasn't even sitting by my friends, who were still eating. I partly blame it on the design of the area, a circle with two open areas to go in and out. So you have to watch them or they can escape TWO ways. I always watch them very carefully, but I'm not perfect, and there's two of them and one of me. If I am watching one, the other runs away.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I grew up in a very spiritual household. We talked about God, we attending church, and felt the Catholic guilt if we did something wrong. Well, I guess that's not quite right. My dad always made sure we were asking for forgiveness from the right person, namely, Jesus. We attending Saturday evening church growing up, dad played as part of the worship group before that was really a popular thing to do. You know, just the organist and cantor. We were the roadies, the equipment getters, the sound checkers, the (unwanted) back-up singers. We knew the songs backward and forward. I can still hear my dad singing "Isaiah 43".
Off track, sorry. Church was an integral part of our young lives. We love to hear dad sing, so we went to practices and such too. We moved kind of far from our church when I was 14, and never really found somewhere we fit in. Dad dislike some of the things the catholics were doing, so he went on "sabbatical". I don't think he realized that finding a different denomination was an option. Once a catholic, always a catholic, or you will GO TO HELL!!!
I occasionally went with mom to a Catholic church, I occasionally went to Ryan's Lutheran church. I didn't see a whole lot of difference, except some dogma things. We continued to go there until after we got married, but I never felt a true connection. I busied myself with the baby, not really paying attention.
One day Ryan's aunt told us about a new church plant meeting in the gym of her church. They were looking for musicians, so why didn't we go and try it? I hemmed and hawed. I was just starting to get comfortable with Ryan's church, are we joining a cult? I'm not even really Lutheran! We went anyway, but I was very sceptical. We showed up a little early, not sure how the whole thing went, and just from the beginning everyone was kind and eager to make us feel comfortable. One of the first sermons was about how a church need three different types of people in their congregation; seasoned believers, new believers and seekers who know nothing. I thought this was great! Church was always geared to people who knew "exactly" what everything meant! I was a believer, but didn't always understand what the Bible was trying to tell me. We never went back to Ryan's church for regular service.
We did go back yesterday, for a vow renewal of Ryan's parents. Ben was a disaster. He wanted to go "play" right from the start. He didn't understand why he was sitting there! Then, the main reason we decided to make the switch. The Music. How can talented musicians suck all of the life out of a powerful song? I was practically falling asleep! AND they were pronouncing it "UNdescribable" !!~sigh~ Nothing has changed in 3 years.
I feel bad for those who do not have a moving experience while worshiping. My aunt came with us to church while we were meeting at AMC and was amazed at the way the Holy spirit filled the room. Soon after, she decided to take a leap of faith and change churches. Her spiritual journey took a left turn when she saw how it could be.
Tonight we visited with my cousin and his wife who are ministers for Campus Crusade in Chicago. (or something like that, I was going to ask them their precise titles, but I kept forgetting :) ) Nevertheless, they are doing some fantastic work for the Lord. I am SO proud of them! I wish they lived closer, but they're being called out there, and it was brave to follow where you're being called.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Amazed by love
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Who has the money to spend on diamonds, $300 dinner bills, stupid stuffed animals that collect dust. Give me a night off, some time alone, some time alone with my Significant other, and I'd be as happy as a clam.
I think Valentines day is so over commercialized, like all the other holidays. I love Christmas, but because I get to spend time with my family, make them happy with gifts and celebrate the Lord's birthday. Why must every child get the "hottest" toys. Do I love you less if I buy you something for $50 instead of $100?
Last year, I surprised Ryan near valentines day. The real reason: The hotel was running a special for Detroit's Winter Blast and I got a fantastic deal. Total coincidence!
Now, I'm not a hypocrite. At least, I try really hard not to be. But if Ryan gets me a little something, I don't throw it in his face. I just don't expect it as so many women do. A treat at anytime is nice, just not necessary. Women get so worked up over little non-important things, why make it harder than it already is for the men? If you expect it and it doesn't happen, aren't you 1000 times more upset?
This brings me to another point about women. Stop playing games. If you want something from your man, tell him. If the request is ignored, then you have grounds for being upset. But if you just expect him to read your mind, you're a fool. Men are dumb. They need everything spelled out for them. Yes, I know, you can read his mind. He can't read yours. It isn't a two way street! Give him some slack and speak up.
Funny little things.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
All around me.
Maybe I was supposed to be around to help. Maybe I am, as usual, the strong one, the knowledge keeper, ever ready to lend my hand. And Lord knows, she will need it! If I were also pregnant (still) I wouldn't be able to be there as I was last time.
It's hard when God takes away from you and gives to others. I have so many blessings, but well.... you know.
This will take some thinking and praying. Sure, I want to have another, but I am terrified of the risk.
I cried out with no reply
And I can't feel you by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone
Eh this is getting more and more difficult. Just like then pre-surgery, I thought it was over, I thought I could move on, but it gets brought up and hurts again. I thought I could be ok, and sometimes I am. Now I can see what might have been, be reminded of what I lost. And through this I am feeling bad for feeling like this, wanting to be so happy for my friends, and I am I really am. I love you! Please understand this is going to be a little hard for me.
I really think this is the first time I've cried.
Pick your battles.
This makes me seem like a giant pushover. ~sigh~ Not my intention, but I have been struggling with patience for a while so I've decided to try some different tactics. Screaming, punishing and frustration did not seem to be working. Patience, love and acceptance doesn't either. But I'm sticking it out for a while, hoping something will change. Ben isn't quite as bad as he used to be. I let him play on the computer this morning with a promise that as soon as he was done we'd get dressed. We he came up a little while later, he got dressed no problem. I used to insist that he do what I wanted right now but I realized I can be more flexible, and we can have less fighting. We'll see. It's hit or miss.
Then there's Maddie. I intrust to her a marker for writing her Valentines yesterday. This morning I discover she's streaked her hair blue. I'm so disappointed in her! I didn't punish her, but I told her how upset I was. Since then, all I've heard was "I'm being good, aren't I mom?" Ug.
All of this makes me feel like a giant failure. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, who's advice I take, none of it works. They don't listen when I want them to, they throw fit's when we need to leave, cry over nothing. Is the definition of "good mother" how well your children behave? Isn't that a reflection of your skills? Or is it just, 'Well, they're alive, I'm doing great!' ?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Dentist time again.
Don't get down on me for having fillings. My dentist says I have very deep teeth and am prone to getting tiny ones very deep. That's all it was. I haven't had a filling since I was 13 and boy, was it a different experience! The numbing only pinched a tiny bit (not half as bad as all the pokes I've had recently) and it's not black, but a white filling. It was so quick and pretty painless. Not scary at all. Maybe I'm just biased because I've had so much pain in the last few weeks :)
When I told Maddie that I was going to the dentist, she got all excited and said "me, too?" and was very disappointed when I told her no. My funny child likes the dentist. But in two weeks she'll be going, so it won't last long.
Now I just have to try and not bite my tongue!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Jumpin' Around
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Here's another
Why does it feel then like he's working against me?
I feel SO contrary. Even my last post was mean. I still believe what I said, but usually I keep that sort of stuff to myself. I was even accused of being jealous. Well of COURSE I'm jealous! Who wouldn't want a nanny or two, a trainer, a nutritionist, a stylist, a chef, a maid and a personal assistant? Just don't tell me you're "just like everyone else", because it's BS.
I'm hoping this is hormonal. Sara and Mom say I'm mean when I first get pregnant, so I can see where my body still has that in it. I hear it takes a while to get rid of the pregnancy hormones, almost as long as you were pregnant.
Ryan would go to the moon if I asked him. Without hesitation. Tonight I'm feeling like I would complain that he was gone too long.
I think I need a good cry and to apologize to my beat-up husband.
I do not feel sorry for Jessica Alba
This is what Jessica Alba had to say about giving birth.
"Contractions aren't that bad. If you've ever had bad cramps? That's what they're like. But that moment when they put the baby on your chest ? that's deep. It's a deep experience"
WHAT? Did she pretend to give birth? Act it out? Unless she was drugged from the moment she started feeling the contractions, she's nuts. “I wore a girdle," she says. "Eight weeks after my girlfriend had her baby, you could see her six-pack. She told me to put an elastic band around my waist—any kind of band or girdle works. She was like, 'I slept in it.' I didn’t recover as fast as she did. I [still] don’t have a six-pack.” WAAAAA!
I've never had a six pack. Most moms' don't due to the IMMENSE AMOUNT OF ABDOMINAL STRETCHING that happens for NINE months!
And now on to Jessica Simpson, My mom was actually at the concert the news is blaring about. Her "voice was weak" that night (always in my opinion) and she felt "vulnerable" on stage. Hey, lady, you signed up for this. I felt bad about the weight gain cracks (but, seriously, fire your stylist. Even if it's your mom) but this is ridiculous.
Some days, like yesterday, I don't want to even venture out of my house. J.S. is not a mom, but I think women in general feel this way sometimes. Being in the limelight is their chosen profession. Don't tell me you're too tired, whiny, upset to go on. You're being paid to do so. Anyone else would just be fired from their jobs.
Enough of the tirade. For now.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Today was a mess.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Where do babies come from?
This was before we made her learn the actual names for body parts. One of my favorite kid-isms is from her at this learning time. We would quiz her, "Maddie, what is your pee-pee called?" "Va-va-va vacation?" For some, my love, not not many! For the record, Ben's is a Pee-ist.
Anyway, when I was in the hospital, Maddie thought I was going to die. I don't blame her. Go to sleep with a perfectly healthy mommy and the next morning there's your Mimi, saying Mommy's in the hospital. No warning, just gone. Poor thing. After I got home, she asked me one might as I was putting her down for bed if I was going to die when I went to the hospital. Ryan had only told her that I had a big boo-boo in my tummy. That wasn't really enough info for her. So I laid it out for her. I asked her if she wanted to talk about why I was in the hospital, and what the doctor did to me. Yes, of course! So I started with basic anatomy, telling her that there is place inside girls where a baby can be made. Lots of eggs live in there too, to make some babies. When mommy and daddy want to have another baby, the egg mixes with a seed (some magical seed, not explained :) ) and goes down a tube to the special place to grow and become a baby.
Now, there were a few transactions between her and I in the middle of this. When I said "mixes" she said "Do you stir it?" Well, sorta. And I asked her if she knew what a tube was. She made a circle with her fingers and said, " Yeah, like a slide. OH! Did the egg slide down the tube?" I said yes, this is what normally happens, but the 'egg and seed' /baby mixture got stuck in the tube and the doctor had to take it out. It wasn't a baby, yet, but just tiny pieces that would grow into a baby. "Did it have a face?" "Uh, no. No real parts, like a baby, just a tiny speck." She seems to be good with that and I showed her my incision, which is not scary at all. Seriously. The stretch marks are scarier. I seemed to convince her that I was not dying, and wouldn't be dying anytime soon.
It's strange and uncomfortable to answer all the questions kids have. You don't want to overwhelm them, you don't want to leave them hanging. As I said before I won't lie to them; no stork around here. But in MY case, I apparently informed my entire kindergarten class of the birds and the bees. All wrong.
Here's my advice.
Tell them simply what you know, being careful to answer exactly what they've asked, not more. They might be asking you a simple question and then they really don't get what's going on when you launch into a tirade about things they aren't ready for.
Start young. Knowing the real names for body parts and why mommy is a girl and daddy is a boy are important, and vital to their identity. Granted, Maddie was 3ish when we told her the real names, but we let her know they had different names if you were a boy or a girl. Easier to demonstrate with the help of baby brother's diaper changes.
Don't be ashamed. They will know. They can smell fear. Our parents were taught to be ashamed of their bodies as a method of birth control. Everyone's body is beautiful, sex is natural, God-given and safe within marriage and theirs alone. Telling them "I'll tell you when you're older" will only fuel the fire! Instead, ask them if you can think about their questions for a little while and promise you'll get back to them. Fulfill that promise!
It's our job to give them the information they need to be strong, happy people. I hope my children don't make the same mistakes I did, but maybe they can learn from what I know. All we can do is love them as best we can.
How do they know?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Date Night
About 10 minutes before I started having pains and went to the hospital, I requested some "alone time" with Ryan. Obviously, with the series of events, I completely forgot I even asked. Then yesterday, with little to no notice, he asked me if I could get a babysitter. Perplexed and tired, I agreed, getting Jim to come over and watch the munchkins. It was the COLDEST day in a week, snowing, blowing and generally spine numbing. But he took me to Partridge Creek, the OUTSIDE mall. We went to Tin Fish, where we had some yummy delights from the sea. He also took me to Godiva (link on the sidebar) and we selected some chocolaty goodness for dessert.
I wondered aloud as we got to the car in the blinding snow, "Why did you take me out on such as night??"
"Because you asked me to."
Oh. Oh yeah, I did, didn't I. Wait, you spent your football square money on me? I'm so touched!
Suddenly, all the little issues I had been thinking in my head were gone. It may not have been the BEST night, but it was the FIRST night that it was humanly possible.
Being married is so hard. Pastor Tim said once that it isn't 50/50, it's 100/100 and I believe that. Giving your all is MUCH harder than giving half to make a whole. If one person regularly makes up 75%, then the other gets off easy, but it creates tension and resent.
I complain, more that I should, but in reality I have it very good. I have a husband who cares about us enough to work his butt off. He cares about his God enough to worship Him with his talents. He is a great father, and I should know, I had a pretty good one. Ryan's all that without the screaming. He is understanding of my needs and goes out of his way to fulfill them when he can.
Why oh why is it so hard for me to let it go when he doesn't clean the kitchen all the way? Why does it infuriate me when he leaves the laundry on the loveseat instead of folding it and putting it away? These things are so trivial, why do I go off the deep end? I have never been so rigid about my life that I need eveything done in a certian way, but when it come to him doing things, it needs to be RIGHT. And that means MY definition of right. I guess I have have so much to do that I can't be following behind him fixing his mistakes. Why can't I cut him some slack?
I have been with Ryan for almost 13 years. I know him better than he knows himself, mostly. I know his heart, and I know he doesn't ever do anything intentionally to hurt me. I need to work on being considerate of his feelings as well as he does mine.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Pretty Dresses
Monday, February 2, 2009
Mostly I don't care. I mean, who am I getting all dressed up for? I do occasionally attempt to try to look at least put-together for Ryan. But I would like to think that I'm pretty sometimes, but can never make it happen.
Everyone comments on how gorgeous Maddie is. I do think that she has something about her, not only her face, but her attitude that radiates beauty. The people say, "She looks just like you!" I mean, I see the basic resemblance, but I never know what to say, " I'm not that pretty?"
All I see are the flaws. I can name someting I don't like about every part of my body. Is this normal? I compare myself to everyone, and ALWAYS fall short. I wish I had more confidence.
I think part of this is that we're going on the cruise in 17 days, which I am SO looking forward to. But my biggest problem is that I don't want to get into a bathing suit, I don't want to wear a coctail dress, or tank tops, anything that shows off my body. I know I was OK with being 3 months pregnant, I SO had an excuse. But now, I only really have the pain of telling people I was pregnant, and I'm still fat.
And to top it off, 6 more weeks of winter. Stupid groudhog.
Blog Archive
- Check, Check
- fancy-schmancy
- Different.
- A new worry.
- Non-Reality.
- Leavin'.. On A Jet Plane
- Why?
- Mommy of the Year
- Church
- Amazed by love
- Packing
- V-day
- Funny little things.
- All around me.
- Pick your battles.
- Wondering
- Dentist time again.
- Jumpin' Around
- Here's another
- I do not feel sorry for Jessica Alba
- Today was a mess.
- Where do babies come from?
- How do they know?
- Date Night
- Pretty Dresses
- Loading...
- Beautiful