Monday, May 11, 2009


As if buying/selling a house/condo wasn't enough, we've got a million other things going on.
This past friday was Sam's birthday, so Mom, Jim and I drove over to Grand Rapids for dinner at an awesome Tapas restaurant called SanChez. It was a long ride back and forth, but it was worth it. The food was amazing, I got to meet Sam's sisters, who will be my step-sisters in a few weeks. Everyone was really nice. I did have one problem, though. All three of the Postma girls are drop-dead gorgeous. Not fair. Creamy skin, high cheekbones, killer bodies. Smiles that light up a room. Could one of them be even a little frumpy? No. Not my luck. Could one be stuck up? No, sweet. ARG.

Saturday, I awoke bright and early to my little son who LOVES to wake his mamma. Even though I had gotten to sleep about 3am, he came up at 7:30. The day went downhill from there. Needed to go grocery shopping, mothers day shopping, returning some things. No energy, no money. I dragged myself around 2 grocery stores because I get meat and produce at one, everything else at the other. Ben wasn't very good, trying to get out of the cart multiple times, putting random things in the cart when I wasn't looking. Maddie had gone with my mom to hang out. Tried to exchange the things, none of the size I needed. Couldn't just get a store credit, have to wait for it in the mail. ~sigh~ Got to my moms to pick up Maddie and she says "we have a surprise for you". But it's not a good one. Maddie decided she wanted "medium" hair like me, mom, Kaya. So she cut it. Bangs, then a huge chunk out of the side/back. So I called Kaya's grandma, who has a salon, and asked her to help us. She came to our rescue and fixed it up, giving her layers to hide the damage. I don't have a problem with Maddie wanting shorter hair. Ryan does, but I think that it's her hair and if she wants it shorter, that's her prerogative. But I just wish she hadn't done it on a crappy day when I was hungry and exhausted. I was sad. She looks really old. But it does look pretty, she didn't do a bad job, no close-to-the-scalp cuts. She cut the really blonde part off, but the curls have returned more. It's more wavy, and that makes me happy.

Mothers day was not a huge deal. Ryan was gone for church, so I had to get myself and the kids ready. Our pastor asked who got breakfast in bed. HA! Then I drove home after church and prepped the shish kabobs and left again to go to Brio for lunch with the Kuchenmeister Clan. Good lunch, I had Risotto. Then back to our house, for a nap (which NEVER happens) and then I made dinner for Mom and the Trombley Clan. I told Ryan I was done with child activities and would be opting out of all motherly duties that evening. I did get something i wanted for Mothers day, hanging baskets for my new front porch. They are so pretty!

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