Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Isn't it the best when your children do unexpected things? Like for instance this morning when Ben got up, he sat groggily on the couch rubbing his ears. I asked him if he wanted to snuggle, and he said no. A few minutes later I got up and went to the bathroom and when I came back, he was laying in my "spot", but right on the edge so I could fit on the inside. When we saw me, he grinned and said, "You go there mamma". Then he turned around and showered me with kisses.

Maddie is less obvious, but after scolding her this morning for trying to be sneaky, she squeezed me very tight and whispered "I'm so sorry mommy". Yes, I know it was a ploy to melt my heart, but it worked.

This is Maddie's current cuteness, which I discovered on a pad of paper. It is the first line to "our" song, that I wrote about a few weeks ago.

Hoo nows how lon I (heart) you
you now I (heart)

Who knows how long I've loved you
you know I love you still...

1 comment:

  1. oh that's sweet! I can't wait for Tyler to get old enough to start interacting with me....

