Monday, April 27, 2009


Both houses need work, Ryan has Meca, work, Solid Rock practices, People want my time and energy (and money) and I don't have any or it right now!

We're priming the walls in the new house, so we can get the hardwood refinished before we move in. We'll start painting soon. It already looks so much fresher. Hopefully, we'll be done by the end of the week and the floor guy can come beginning of next. I cleaned up all of the outside- leaves, sticks, stuff. Then it stormed and I have to do it all over again. I have two giant blisters and I'm waiting for them to heal before I can start again. Next time: gloves.

Plus, we're all sick. Sinus-y sneezy, couch type sick. We didn't go to our nephew/godson's birthday because we didn't want to share, but we did end up doing some work that day. Today I feel like I hit a wall. I am supposed to be packing, but I've decided not to do anything until later. I did the kitchen, bathed the kids...made a some phone calls. I've been productive!

I hate to complain becaause I asked for this. I didn't ask to be sick on top of it.

1 comment:

  1. This back and forth weather has been playing havoc on me too. I'm not really sick, but got some sinus issues that are really starting to annoy me. Hope your clan feels better soon.

