Thursday, April 2, 2009

These days

Now, as if I wasn't far enough behind, I have double to do. Not really surprised, getting a new house is time consuming, and a lot of work, and we had a bunch of work to do here as it was. But we'll deal with it when the time comes. First we need to close :). Then paint and flooring, which we discovered the other night the front room and bedrooms have hardwood. Bonus! For less than the cost of carpet, we can have it refinished and raise the value of the house. Now I have to figure out the other two rooms. Same with paint...what to do, what to do! Then we can move in pretty much. Here, at the condo, we need to patch some small dings, finish the bathrooms, maybe new floor in the kitchen.

My worries have gone into overdrive, I call Ryan every half hour about some what-if, and he talks me down. We talked to the neighbor the other night when we went and walked through again and he said it was an old lady who lived there for 35 years. New roof, water heater, septic within the last four years. Whew! That was a huge load off of our minds! Those are big things, and if we have a few years before we have to think of them, then great! One less worry for me! I do like it more having walked through a second time. I had a few things about it mixed up with some other houses we looked at, and it was better than what was in my head.

I've already started packing the things we don't use on a regular basis. Slow and steady keeps you sane, right?

For those keeping track, I've just been given the news of number 8 for the pregnant tally. Funny, Ryan had asked me if it was me plus two others that made "three" as in things happen in three's. HAHAHAHA! I was first and it brings the total to nine pregnancies, if only 8 babies. When I was pregnant with Maddie, there was NO ONE pregnant that I knew. With Ben, there were a few, Scarlet, Michael, but this is INSANE!

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