Friday, February 6, 2009

Today was a mess.

It bears repeating, it was that bad. Today was a mess. ~sigh~ JUST when I think I've got it down, just when I think, hey, I'm ok, I can do this, I have a day like today that makes me want to crawl back in bed and not come out. Ever.

I still am in some pretty intense pain, at times. It's not constant, so I hesitate to take my drugs. The last thing I need is an addiction :) But, they dull the pain. The pain makes me tired, sluggish. The meds make me have more energy. Back and forth back and forth. Today was SO bad that I wanted to take the whole bottle (all 10 pills. Remind me to get a refill). Ben screamed at me about every.litle.thing. Strangely, not what I thought he was going to blow a gasket over, his Mario Party jammie shirt. THAT he took off no problem. It was the BATMAN jammie shorts that were the issue. Sorry, kid, not when it's 25 degrees out! Then, once I distracted him from that, it was socks, then his Rock and Roll shoes, NOT his Diego shoes. NOT THE COAT NO COAT NO COAT! BLUE CAR SEAT NONONONO I DON'T WANT TO GET OUT OF THE CAR I DON'T WANT TO GET BACK IN THE CAR NO NAP NO NAP SISTER'S BED SISTER'S BED.

Then, in 2.5 hours, we repete. We have to pick sister up from school.

Then she started. While I was getting Eli out of the car, Maddie and Ben went into the house, at my request. 30 seconds later, at the door, it's locked. She locked me out. Granted, I have the keys. Not the point.

Every EVERYthing was a screaming, drag out fight this afternoon. I am SO out of energy.

Anybody want a two-year-old?

I thought he was almost out of this phase. But with no naps, and mom being physically unable to hold him in here, we're at a stalemate. And the Miss has gotten herself an additude that nmakes me want to smack her face. "FINE" she has taken to saying, just like a flippin' TEENAGER! AHHHHH!!
Tomorrow will be a better day. Tomorrow will be a better day. Tomorrow will be a better day. It HAS to be.
Update: As soon as I finished writing this post, I went upstairs to find my son, sound asleep on the floor in front of his toys. Does my child need a nap or what?


  1. Oh my stars such a sad face. I don't know hat happened but it is totally you fault and fix it. I'm now gonna post the same picture of my child doing that. K!

